Bulk SMS & Email

Bulk SMS

‘Bulk SMS’ or ‘bulk messaging’ means businesses sending SMS to a minimum of 1 or more recipients via various platforms. Bulk SMS can proportion to several recipients within the case of informational or promotional broadcasts. Alternatively, bulk SMS may also mean individual SMS sent to customers upon an action, e.g., receiving an alert on a credit card transaction.


Both these activities are often easily administered from bulk SMS service platforms as they permit businesses to make, schedule, send and track SMS campaigns. Bulk SMS is a way for global enterprises, developers, educational institutes, NGOs, and government agencies to promote product promotions, informational communications, transactional alerts, order updates, reminders, feedback, and more. IMS defeats all the other channels handily in today’s time with 97% open rates and ten times the response rate. By putting actionable links within the message, bulk SMS can even help improve conversion rates across the consumer lifecycle, i.e., acquisition, engagement, and retention.

Bulk Email

A bulk email service could be a company that enables its customers to send mass email messages to multiple lists of recipients at a specified time. With this service, you’ll be able to send a single message to thousands of individuals on a list or a personalized email to each address on an inventory. A bulk email service can send emails to a listing of any size.


A bulk email is a marketing message sent by a brand to multiple recipients quickly. It aims to push a business, sell goods, and develop relationships. Today, marketers choose to use bulk email services to deliver important messages with minimal effort. Unlike junk emails sent without the recipients’ permission, bulk emails are legal marketing campaigns since the recipients comply with them to receive them. However, if bulk email marketing isn’t properly managed, users may consider it spams, and consequently, it’s going to hurt the sender’s reputation. While making and sending bulk emails, remember to remain to the CAN-SPAM Act to avoid penalties and losses. Sending thousands or tens of thousands of messages to even just a handful of email addresses would be draining because of the amount of time and energy required. Moreover, the price of running such a campaign wouldn’t be sustainable for any business. Employing a bulk email service is cheaper, faster, and far more convenient.

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